MAGIC team

Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulz
Team leader
Ralf is a professor for Environmental Sciences focusing on the exposure, ecological effects and management of chemicals in the environment, Ralf teaches Environmental Sciences and Ecotoxicology

MSc. Dino Bussen
Large-Scale Spatial Analysis
Dino is involved with large-scale spatial analysis of environmental data with a focus on ecotoxicology

Dipl. Sascha Bub
Environmental Modelling
Sascha is involved with landscape modeling of pesticides in the environment, graph databases for environmental chemicals and machine learning

MSc. Lara Petschick
Effect Assessment
Lara has her main focus on the assessment of effects of chemicals in aquatic and terrestrial environments, she is currently funded by the DBU

Dipl. Jakob Wolfram
Data Analysis
Jakob conducts complex large-scale analysis of environmental data on exposure and risks associated with chemicals in the environment, Jakob teaches in the Master Ecotoxicology

MSc. Larissa Herrmann
Larissa uses meta-analysis and machine learning to assess chronic fungicide exposure in aquatic environments, she is currently funded by the DBU
Associated team member

Dr. Sebastian Stehle
Risk Assessment
Sebastian is a risk assessment expert conducting meta-analysis on the exposure of pesticides in aquatic ecosystems, Sebastian teaches in the Master Ecotoxicology
Technical Support

Felix Hoegerl
IT Technician
Felix supports the MAGIC team with technical expertise in database management and IT security

Henry Schlenz
IT Application Expert
Henry provides software-based solutions for the analysis and web-based representation of environmental data

Felix Hoegerl
IT Technician
Felix supports the MAGIC team with technical expertise in database management and IT security

Henry Schlenz
IT Application Expert
Henry provides software-based solutions for the analysis and web-based representation of environmental data